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Powered By Eat From Farms

Ordering Information

How to order from Nuts About Berries:

  1. First click on Account to create your own personal account with name, address etc.
  2. Click on Products to browse produce that we currently have on sale.
  3. Click on Delivery Options to select your pickup location or for home delivery.
  4. Add bags to your order. If no bags are selected we will bring your order in a tote to transfer to your own bags.
  5. Add a tip if you desire.
  6. Add any preferences in the comments section. E.g. size.
  7. You will receive two confirmation emails, an initial email after your order is placed and a final email after your order has been assembled with final weights for items sold by weight.
  8. A fee of 50c for the software package we are using is added to each order (Assembly Charge).

We have an account option whereby you may load money into your account (preferably with a check or cash), then on subsequent orders your payment is automatically deducted from your account balance when we finalize your order. This helps us to avoid recurring credit card fees. Please talk to Jon about this if you are interested in this option.

Thank you for supporting Nuts About Berries

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